OMERO.web UI customization

The OMERO.web offer a flexible user interface that can be customized. The sections below describe how to set up these features.

Note that depending on the deployment choice, OMERO.web will not activate configuration changes until Gunicorn is restarted using omero web restart.

Index page

This allows you to add a homepage at <your-omero-server>/index/. Visitors to your root url at <your-omero-server>/ will get redirected here instead of redirecting to <your-omero-server>/webclient/.

Create new custom template in /your/path/to/templates/mytemplate/index.html and add the following:

$ omero config append omero.web.template_dirs '"/your/path/to/templates/"'
$ omero config set omero.web.index_template 'mytemplate/index.html'

Login redirection

omero.web.login_redirect property redirects to the given location after logging in to named pages. In the example below, a user who tries to visit the "webindex" URL (/webclient/) will be redirected after login to a URL defined by the viewname "load_template". The "args" are additional arguments to pass to Django’s reverse() function and the "query_string" will be added to the URL:

$ omero config set omero.web.login_redirect '{"redirect": ["webindex"], "viewname": "load_template", "args":["userdata"], "query_string": "experimenter=-1"}'

Open With option

omero.web.open_with adds items to the ‘Open with’ options. This allows users to open selected images or other data with another web app or URL. See LinkingFromWebclient.

Include template in every page

An HTML template specified by omero.web.base_include_template will be included in every HTML page in OMERO.web. The template is inserted just before the </body> tag and can be used for adding a <script> such as Google analytics.

For example, create a file called /your/path/to/templates/base_include.html with:

    console.log("Hello World");

Set the following:

$ omero config append omero.web.template_dirs '"/your/path/to/templates/"'
$ omero config set omero.web.base_include_template 'base_include.html'

Group and Users in dropdown menu

Customize the groups and users dropdown menu by changing the labels or hiding the entire list:

$ omero config set "Owners"
$ omero config set true
$ omero config set "Members"
$ omero config set true
$ omero config set "All Members"
$ omero config set false

Orphaned container allows you to change the name of the “Orphaned images” container located in the client data manager tree:

$ omero config set "Orphaned images"

Disabling scripts

omero.client.scripts_to_ignore hides the scripts that the clients should not display:

$ omero config append omero.client.scripts_to_ignore "/my_scripts/"

Download restrictions

omero.policy.binary_access determines whether users can access binary files from disk. Binary access includes all attempts to download a file from the UI:

$ omero config set -- omero.policy.binary_access +read,+write,+image

or on a specific group with ID 15:

$ omero group info 15
$ omero obj map-set ExperimenterGroup:15 config -- omero.policy.binary_access +read,+write,+image